Driving to town every morning, the paper guy tends to start recognising you; first I thought it would be rude not to wave. We now wave to each other every morning, my mom says he waves to her too. Now I’m starting to feel like he has killed our special bond. I still have hope, because on the way home everyday, Magdeelen, the woman who changes her fake arm every second day, still greets me and waves to me with her “stub”.
I must warn you before I start, I hate the wimpy advert , I think the new Santam advert is amazing and I strangely cry every time the little girl sings our anthems and fucks up. I sat yesterday expressing my views and trying to use great pronunciation as they keep calling me Donnie, not Danni. No one agreed of course.FML.
This is my first week of working in an agency as a soon to be copywriter. Keeping in mind the youngest human here is 28 things are going well. Besides my first day mishap where no one told me I could have a lunch break , and I proceeded to sneak to the bathroom and eat my lunch with Airsol air spray. Squirting fruits of the fucking valley every moment you move , well done motion detectors.
Yesterday was a great, I walked out going yes, maybe I could do this, this thought was interrupted by the security guard telling me :
" Jis, but you lekker ne girly.”
So now I’m sitting between these great writers drinking green tea, trying to find my inner zen.
Hoping today is the day, when I just say one word and it turns into this billion-dollar campaign.
So far it was finding a modern family episode, but hey a girl can dream.