Friday, 1 July 2011

What is apoohpriate.

This is probably a weird topic of thought but …

What are the ground rules when dropping Suzy off at the pool?
I have been to lots of clubs where after standing in a queue bursting, a rather sheepish girl works out, “that was not me.” My personal favourites is when throwing a house party, someone forgets to flush , is nothing safe anymore?

I mean a get it, no ones shit smells like roses, but surely there are some places you just don’t do it? My second train of thought is of course the poor girl who took a dump at Trinity Club. Wait let me rephrase that , took a dump on herself.

A floater greeted me this morning in a building that has 3 floors.
I personal think if it’s yellow then its mellow but hell people if its brown flush it down.


At 2 August 2011 at 04:07 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Suggestion for ladies!

Heavy night , lots of drinking you wake up ,2am and need a wiz. So you stumble to the bathroom aim and shoot.

I take pride in the fact that i have something i can point and shoot , so i aim it straight into the water and listen happily, smell the bubbles,and shake it off , drip a little on the seat and don't flush as to not wake anyone in the house. I then climb back into bed. Only to get shouted at for making a noise peeing.

So now i focus on peeing towards the side of the bowl so the stream runs gently down the inside slope of the toilet and softly onto the water surface making absolutely no bubbles or relaxing fountain sounds.This solved the verbal abuse when climbing back into bed.Happy sleep but still no bubbles.

So now comes the issue! If my girlfriend wakes up middle of the dead quiet night and goes to pee i have to listen and picture her on the toilet and it's all fine cause she has nothing to point and aim. And she just say's "im a girl ,i have to sit and pee". Why can't she just , while she's peeing , tilt to one side. Lean over a little and aim her gushing stream directly over to the gentle inside slope of the toilet. She can even rest her head on the wall if she wishes to lean her head that way. Mabe they should invent wall pillows at that hieght especially for that reason.

Comfort the head while leaning over, come on be considerate.We also need our beauty sleep.


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